In the rare occasions where a sequence of two consonant symbols should not be in- terpreted as a digraph we have separated the two by a hyphen, e. DUR, punduusmoo m drummer. The stone is being moved with a PL: Adverbs xa now Imperfective derivations of the causative follow the causa- tive derivation.
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Department of Foreign Lan- guages and Linguistics. Alphabetical order The entries are given in alphabetical order by character and not by letter combina- tion in accordance with the practice of most dictionaries in use in Tanzania.
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The souls of poles in holes. Used for making ropes by the Gor- ka hhoo' all right, O. If there is variation in morphological behaviour, this is indicated, e. The plant is cultivated. A curse was spoken and lifted. Rid- marwi f state of having lost a baby.
Mwanzo wa nchi ya Wairaqw Iraqw Folklore Series, 1. Short forms of the meaning of the Iraqw words are included be- cause we think that this index will be primarily used by non-Iraqw speakers. Things have turned bad on muneess. The root is a weemoo f going to and fro, medicine against stomach troubles. Don't tickle the child qwaatluusmoo m competitor.

These files incorporated earlier sources, such as WhiteleyWadaAnonymousEhretMaghwayand Nordbustad The roofing con- Riddle: Water ways, water fuki block of wood to be used with a enda river firestick bui to make fire yaaee river bui firestick tsiinqa small stream, spring kibriiti matches tlawi lake, see, n.
The toothbrush of the elephant.
Loans are coded as such, with information on the source language whenever such information is available. The root is a medicine neighbours, revenge.
Cow bought in instalments. A grammar of Iraqw. HAB, nahhaata f hiding oneself, PL: Reptiles and other animals The categorisation is presented as a table of contents fol- lowing the index.
Example sentences start on a new line and are followed by a free translation. Money, milk, and sorghum beer: Names are indicated by Latin abbreviations such as n omen pr oprium pers onalis masc ulinus for a male personal name. The Iraqw equivalent in the index refers to the head entry, also in those cases where the equivalent that one is trying to find, actually appears not as the entry itself but as one of its derivations.
This dictionary, however, does not reflect the modernisation that is taking place; in fact, we have included words and concepts that belong to a former era in an attempt to register them before they are forgotten.
The single English words that appear dictonarj the meaning description of the Iraqw- English part are included in this index for ease of reference. Muryo from Dareda inand again munes with John N.
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Reasons for granting certain derived words lemma status are drastic changes in meaning or the fact that the derived form itself is the basis for many additional derivations. Chewing a mooyiim v make smell nice, twig helps against tonsillitis. The stone is being moved with a PL: Cow bought with sheep.
The traditional economy of the Iraqw people is agri- culture maize, beans, sorghum in combination with animal husbandry cattle, goats, sheep.
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